Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bulls Sweep Coach and Player of the Year Awards

Congratulations to Derrick Rose for a spectacular season.He averaged 25 point and 7 assists this regular season leading the Bulls to  a record of 62-20 and a number one seed in the eastern conference playoffs. Rose (22) is now the youngest recipient of the MVP trophy. Each previous winner has gone on to enter the Hall of Fame and Rose is trying to keep the streak alive.

Congratulations to Tom Thibodeau for a fantastic season. Many people questioned the hire of Tom Thibodeau in 2010. The names of several coaches surfaced during the process Byron Scott, Doug Collins, and John Calapari.The Bulls selected the 20 plus year veteran and gave him the keys to the "Baby Bulls". Now, the first year coach has a number one seeded team and a coach of the year award.

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